Photos found on Instagram : @beauty_intechnicolor / @sarahmcgonagall

I have some very good news for all the makeup addicts out there… This year, makeup will be very big for Halloween! That means you can spend a little less time on the clothes and concentrate on your face (and hair). This being said, I’ve gathered my 15 favourite looks for the funnest day of the year!

I found 11 of the 15 looks on Instagram and linked the accounts so you can have access to full tutorials or at least the list of products used. But if you don’t feel skilled enough to recreate these makeups, you can always book an appointment with Véronike @ Espace Makeup. That’s exactly my plan… and I can’t wait to show you the final result! (Can you guess which one I’m doing?)

p.s. Stay tuned for Lauriane’s costume ideas tomorrow morning!!!

Photo & tutorial : @sarahmcgonagall 

If you're a fan of the 1988 movie, you're going to love this look inspired by Michael Keaton's crazy character!

Betty Boop
Photo & tutorial : @promisetamang 

I'm a huge fan of Betty Boop and even dressed as her at my 2011 Halloween party, but I definitely didn't go all out with the makeup... I wish I had!

Photo & tutorial : @makeupby_makenzie 

Dressing up as a scarecrow never crossed my mind, but I loooove this idea! And it would be so easy to complete the look... a straw hat and worn out clothes!

Gypsy Fortune Teller
Photo & tutorial : @bybrookelle 

This fortune teller look takes me to Jennifer Lopez' "Ain't It Funny" video (which is one of my faves from her) and makes me want to be a gypsy for an evening!

Alladin Sane
Photo : pinterest 
We've seen this iconic David Bowie look at Halloween parties for decades, but it doesn't get old... or cooler than this!

David Bowie tribute  
From @beauty.intechnicolor 
I love this take on the Alladin Sane look, because it's also a beautiful tribute to the amazing artist we lost in January 2016.

Photo & tutorial : @kimberleymargarita_ 

Talking about icons... here's another absolutely amazing look to try for Halloween. Bring on the sixties!

Photo & tutorial :@jamescharles  

With the success of the 2017 horror movie IT, the Pennywise look was everywhere on social media... and my fave is Youtube star James Charles version! So glam & dramatic!

Photo : pinterest 
This is definitely the most conventional Halloween idea on my list, but I can't get tired of this look... and all the amazing possibilities for the eye makeup! 

Voodoo Doll
Tutorial : @makeupbymersiha
I think I might be freaked out to be a voodoo doll for a night, but I love the creativity of the look, especially the texture created by the stitches... and that little red heart! 

Le Pierrot
Photo & tutorial : @kimberleymargarita_ 

I really love this take on the Pierrot, because it's both romantic... and a little spooky!

Photo & tutorial : @ida_elina 

If you are going to be Catwoman, you should definitely paint your mask! It makes the look more vibrant... and even sexier!

Chucky's Bride
Photo : pinterest 

A perfect scary + pretty look for all the fans of the spooky dolls! 

Fall Beauty
Photo & tutorial : @vilcreates

Ever wondered about transforming yourself into the prettiest season of the year? Here's a great way to do it!

Gothic Sleeping Beauty
Photo : @olya_romanova_mua

I don't know what was the makeup artist's inspiration, but it makes me think of a slightly naughtier Sleeping Beauty... and I looove the look! 



Article précédentShopping : les bottillons de la saison
Article suivant12 déguisements d’Halloween faciles et rapides
Lolitta a décidé qu'elle allait devenir journaliste de mode à 14 ans (en regardant Jeanne Beker à Fashion Television) et elle a tout fait en son pouvoir pour que ce rêve se réalise. Ce qu'elle ne savait pas c'est que cette passion allait la conduire à fonder son blogue! À travers FashionIsEverywhere, Lolitta espère prouver que la mode est partout et qu'elle est accessible à tous, peu importe notre budget ou notre silhouette. Quand elle ne blogue pas, elle adore voyager, manger et passer du temps avec sa famille… et surtout sa petite nièce Mila!