Every year, the stars take a break from the red carpets to show us their best festival looks at Coachella! Here’s my round-up of the good, the not so good and the ugly…

Absolute best look: Dree Hemingway

I love this Dolce & Gabbana ensemble because it’s feminine, colourful and just quirky enough for a music festival… In other words, perfect for Mulberry’s private pool party @ Coachella!

Prettiest trend: ultra-feminine

Dree wasn’t the only one to go for the super pretty look, we also saw it on Lindsay Lohan, Emma Watson and Lea Michele. I never thought I would say this about Lindsay, but she actually looked cute.

Most consistent: Kate Bosworth

I really like Kate Bosworth because she’s one of the few that actually looks authentic. I especially love how she manages to mix boyish/feminine and boho/rock!

Best male: Jared Leto

I always love how Jared Leto dresses and his looks at Coachella are no exception. Why? Because he stays true to himself!

Great (as always!): Diane Kruger

Diane Kruger looked unsurprisingly perfect all week-end. And I love that she’s wearing the same booties both days!

Getting there… : Emma Roberts

Ok, I have to admit I don’t understand that black lace top, but I do think her look, on and off the red carpet, is really improving. I particularly love the flower print super short shorts!

Absolute worst look: Rihanna

The singer easily picks up the #1 spot. I actually love the shorts (and even the vintage jacket), but put together, with the cropped top, the hair and the nails… it just looks tacky and vulgar!

Worst trend: granny inspired

Rihanna’s runner ups are Fergie (who is really trying too hard & looks 70), Jessica Szhor (who forgot she’s in her 20’s) and Florence Welch (I know… it’s also hard to accept for me, but that dress and the geriatric sandals are just not working).

Most consistently bad : Katy Perry

I can’t keep up with this girl! Usually, being a fashion chameleon is a good thing but in her case, it just looks forced. I don’t understand how she can go from the blue hair & sexy decolleté’s to this gothic look & purple hair (middle picture).

What the *&#! : Vanessa Hudgens

I think she’s pretty and her looks are (kind of) cute, but she really tries to hard and almost looks like she’s dressed up for Halloween. Talking about costumes, what’s up with the Pocahontas feathers and cat make-up?

So that’s my fashion round-up for Coachella! What do you think? Would you like me to do this again next week, for the 2nd week-end?

Lolitta xx



Article précédentCara Tointon, 16 avril 2012
Article suivantMiley Cyrus, 17 avril 2012
Lolitta a décidé qu'elle allait devenir journaliste de mode à 14 ans (en regardant Jeanne Beker à Fashion Television) et elle a tout fait en son pouvoir pour que ce rêve se réalise. Ce qu'elle ne savait pas c'est que cette passion allait la conduire à fonder son blogue! À travers FashionIsEverywhere, Lolitta espère prouver que la mode est partout et qu'elle est accessible à tous, peu importe notre budget ou notre silhouette. Quand elle ne blogue pas, elle adore voyager, manger et passer du temps avec sa famille… et surtout sa petite nièce Mila!