A couple of weeks ago, I received an amazing offer to participate in a Battle Pink to support Rethink Breast Cancer! The organization asked 26 bloggers all over Canada to rethink and restyle an item from their Breast Cancer Awareness Month product list, take a picture of it and explain their creative process. Bloggers were then paired for a friendly battle in order to get the most votes… and raise the most money! For each vote until October 15th, Penguin committed to donate 1$ to Rethink Breast Cancer.

I was paired with the lovely Amy Nelson from AmyFlyingAKite and our challenge was to restyle the CFDA‘s Fashion Targets Breast Cancer t-shirt. Here’s my creation (and the explanation for my project) as well as Amy’s…

When I think about breast cancer, I automatically think about losing my hair and having to wear a wig or a scarf. That’s why I decided to transform the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer T-Shirt into a cute headscarf. I also used the smaller logo from the sleeve to cover one of the pockets of my shirt. I chose the left pocket because that’s where the heart is and it’s also where my tumor was removed. As for the rest of my look, I decided to wear all jean because denim represents everyday life… and when women face breast cancer, they can’t take a day off – it’s an everyday battle!

The BCAM products are really diversified, so every challenge is really different and interesting. Here are a few of my favourite entries!

Pink Label vest by Harley Davidson: Chenessa Lam, StyleEmpire VS Jen McNeely, SheDoesTheCity

Pink of Hearts 2012 Duo-pack lacquer by OPI nails: Daniella Etienne, Thebrokenheeldiaries VS Lesley Ellen Mirza, LipstickPowderNPaint


Clearly Contacts pink frame collection by Derek Cardigan: Afiya Francisco, TheStyleHouse VS Sharon & Tara Ng, BackseatStylers

Now, all you have to do to support Rethink Breast Cancer is to vote for all the Pink Battles! You can vote as many time as you want and remember, each time you do, Penguin will donate 1$ to the cause! PLEASE VOTE RIGHT HERE!


Lolitta xx



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Lolitta a décidé qu'elle allait devenir journaliste de mode à 14 ans (en regardant Jeanne Beker à Fashion Television) et elle a tout fait en son pouvoir pour que ce rêve se réalise. Ce qu'elle ne savait pas c'est que cette passion allait la conduire à fonder son blogue! À travers FashionIsEverywhere, Lolitta espère prouver que la mode est partout et qu'elle est accessible à tous, peu importe notre budget ou notre silhouette. Quand elle ne blogue pas, elle adore voyager, manger et passer du temps avec sa famille… et surtout sa petite nièce Mila!