To celebrate their 40th anniversary,W has recruited Keira Knightley, Mia Wasikowska, Scarlett Johansson and Rooney Mara to channel iconic looks from the past four decades. The result is four completely different covers that will hit the stands on October 23rd.

The 70’s: Rooney Mara

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo‘s main character channels the 70’s androgynous bohemian look wearing a Prada jacket and an Albertus Swanepoel burgundy hat. I have to say this is my least favourite cover… Rooney Mara looks bored and unhappy. I don’t get it!

The 80’s: Mia Wasikowska

Now, I lOVE Mia Wasikowska as an 80’s chick! The hair is cool, the makeup is perfectly over-the-top, and most importantly, she is believable! Oh yeah, she is wearing a Balenciaga bustier.

The 90’s: Scarlett Johansson

This is the cover I’ll be looking for when I buy the magazine! I love how Scarlett Johansson is completely transformed to represent the 90’s. The grey hair, the nose clip, the dark lips, the rings… everything screams grunge glam!

The 2000’s: Keira Knightley

Personally, I would’ve gone for someone like Tilda Swinton, but Keira Knightley is not a bad choice…thanks to the great styling! The platinum blonde hair and thick eyebrows, and how they contrast with the chic Chanel jacket really embodies the essence of the last decade!

So what do you think of the stars that were chosen? And which is your favourite cover?

Lolitta xx




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Lolitta a décidé qu'elle allait devenir journaliste de mode à 14 ans (en regardant Jeanne Beker à Fashion Television) et elle a tout fait en son pouvoir pour que ce rêve se réalise. Ce qu'elle ne savait pas c'est que cette passion allait la conduire à fonder son blogue! À travers FashionIsEverywhere, Lolitta espère prouver que la mode est partout et qu'elle est accessible à tous, peu importe notre budget ou notre silhouette. Quand elle ne blogue pas, elle adore voyager, manger et passer du temps avec sa famille… et surtout sa petite nièce Mila!